Fair Play: Golf Shot of The Year - Selected

Golf is an incredible game. You take it seriously and have a brief flaw or if you’re just a social enthusiast, you’ll find that it can be frustrating as you try and perfect your game, but sometimes, sometimes, everything is right and you connect. your ball club is so sweet that it inspires you to keep going, to keep playing, to keep trying to improve your game.

I have a bit of a love / hate relationship with the game of golf, I always play but sometimes I almost give it my all because I don’t have anything to try and the game works out as I planned, but sometimes you beat it this luck. This specific golf shot really brings that sentiment home. It took place at the Farmfoods British Par 3 Championships in 2013 – an event held at the Nailcote Hall Hotel.

Brian Barnes (a Ryder Cup player during 1969-1979) was excited to explain the shot taken by player Matt Wheatcroft. The explosion itself is pretty flukey. Wheatcroft’s ball landed almost on a wooden fence – probably a foot of fire from a solid pole. Instead of trying to save it safely, Wheatcroft hit the ball straight into the fence post and it slammed into the back, high in a tall tree and landed on the green not a foot away from the flag. (more…)


It’s really a weird shot, the kind of shot you wouldn’t believe unless you saw it. Wheatcroft fairly talked about it, interviewed after the shooting

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