Wonderful eye?
A Reddit user u / blkdev posted: “Turn on the back of an old watch labeled ‘Miracle Eye.’ What is this?”
ANSWER: Well, it turns out – it’s a sensor that displays light or dark. And if this is on, it won’t ring or ring an alarm if no light is felt. AKA – a tool designed not to wake people up at 3 in the morning. Pretty cool. NEXT: You’ve seen it a million times … but what’s it for?
Escalation clause
A Reddit user at / kristhecadet said, “What’s that thing you always see on the escalator?” He / she also asks a good question – we always see this, but what is it really for?
ANSWER: There is a small gap under these bristles and it is a dangerous place for shopping bags, pants, children’s hands, etc., so although many of us use this as an improvised shoe polish – it is actually a protective device. NEXT: What could you buy with this?
Dolla Dolla Bills, everyone
Reddit user r / mfyunker posted, “I got this $ 2 bill in a tip jar a few years ago, which I just found while moving. Does anyone know anything about why it is so decorated?
ANSWER: From the creator, Danbury Mint: “Every attractive improved $ 2 bill is a real U.S. legal tender — but these breathtaking works of art can’t be found in any bank — not even in the Federal Reserve! Each note is privately painted to become a work of art in full color, of hereditary quality. But keep in mind – one of these costs about $ 25. So, it is up to you to decide if this is a good investment or not. NEXT: What the hell is in that bag?
Rattle Snakes
Reddit user r / xCLINTx22 posted: “Arrived in a post for me. Small glass tubes with 2 small ball bearings in them. I have no idea and nothing I ordered. “So what the hell are these things?”
ANSWER: They are for fishing! These little metal balls inside the glass tubes are rattles that you can put in fishing lures to create noise to attract fish. Who knew? NEXT: Security is important, but who needs so many locks?
Locking mechanism
One reddit user announced: “This is a gate that blocks access to the roads of some cell towers. Why so many locks and how would anyone open them at all? ”
ANSWER: You can open the gate by unlocking only one padlock. The way it is designed means that more people can use the gate, and if one person loses the keys, only the padlock needs to be replaced. Unlike one padlock with many keys, you would have to give a lot of people a new key. NEXT: The weirdest shower handles you’ve ever seen?
Hot & Cold
One reddit user posted, “I found this in my bathroom in Germany …” while on a trip. It was something he had never seen before. What are those things?
ANSWER: cold and hot water meters. Extending this, the buttons are probably the main exclusions for the apartment / hotel where the user was staying. It is quite possible that based on these meters, you will be charged for the use of each hot and cold water from the common building system. Pretty efficient and fair. NEXT: What are you doing there?
Sink for ants
A sink of unusual shape, probably in the hallway, spotted on a list of properties in an older house. It looks pretty tight, probably too small to wash your boots ??
ANSWER: It’s called a butler sink or cleaners. It is used for cleaning, filling bins, emptying waste so that the household can wash the surfaces without wandering around the house. Pretty effective, huh? Problems of rich people. NEXT: The craziest cloud formation we’ve ever seen.
Houston, do we have a problem?
A Reddit user in Florida said: “This was filmed this morning. It is a cloud of a very strange shape or maybe even a trace of steam. I guess it’s illuminated by the approaching sunrise. This is from Clearwater, Florida, facing east. Google lens said maybe rocket launch? “
ANSWER: Definitely the consequences of a rocket launch. Confirmed. NEXT: What’s he doing around the whole truck?
One Hell of Roll Cage
Why does this truck have a huge frame around it?
ANSWER: For transporting construction materials such as stone slabs or wood, without excessive stress on the vehicle itself. A smart solution to a common problem. NEXT: Is that from the Colonial era … and what is it?
A walk through the woods
Someone found this round metal object on colonial-era land near New England, and they have no idea what it is.
ANSWER: Gravity mill. Imagine: similar to a modern coffee grinder with a burr. So it probably was for anything like corn, oats, etc. NEXT: This man is on trial, with what on his head?
The Ministry of Justice is so accessible
A Reddit user posted, “What is this on the head of this alleged serial killer while he was in court?”
ANSWER: This is because he can hear his trial, a right guaranteed to him by the Constitution. He is partially deaf. It is basically a huge hearing aid (headphones with a sound amplifier). NEXT: Please don’t touch that.
Live Action
What did we find during the renovation? The person who found it said, “We didn’t touch it because my dad thinks it’s World War II explosives. The length is about 10 ″. ”
ANSWER: EOD confirmed that it was a mortar grenade! They didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II so the filler was probably highly explosive, but it could be WP or Illum. Dangerous, so good they didn’t mess with it. NEXT: It’s leaking!
Drops, drops
This photo was taken in a forest in Sweden, about three feet from the ground. This item is about the size of a softball Hard to the touch, but drips liquid when hit. What is?
ANSWER: polypores of a fungus that excrete excess moisture is called gutting. You obviously knew that, didn’t you? NEXT: The neighbors are just trying to be rude at the moment.
Psy Ops
One reddit user reported, “Are my parents’ neighbors getting involved in a psychological war? This is attached to a doll in their yard and sounds a very loud alarm twice a day for 10 minutes. What is?”
ANSWER: One of the popular responses was, “It looks like it’s a vibrating trumpet (maybe the 874 series) made by Edwards’ signal. The datasheet gives an output of 103dB. This type of siren is usually used in individual environments where ambient noise is high. I guess the neighbor put it together to cause a nuisance or just to be a general nuisance. How beautiful. NEXT: It’s not the kiss we expected.
Kisses, please
Someone found this solid metal “kiss” that was in a bag of candy kisses. Is it part of the machines?
ANSWER: Definitely not part of the machine. Because it is the same size and shape, we think it is a “QA” meter that helps operators check the shape and size of portions at a glance. NEXT: The strangest chair we’ve ever seen. And you?
Skis double as a chair?
A Reddit user said, “Okay, I know it’s a chair, but what about outstretched arms?”
ANSWER: Plantation Chair. You would put painful swollen legs on your hands after sitting on a horse all day, like a pregnant woman with her legs raised in the same way. That is why the back is so bent. In the supine position it is good for blood flow and air flow. NEXT: Something from an ancient civilization.
Ancient Times
Reddit user r / CloudiaNYT said, “My grandfather told us NOT to remove this when renovating.” So … why not?
ANSWER: It’s the Aztec calendar! Probably an ancient artifact and possibly even extremely rare and expensive. NEXT: Time capsule
This medal was found in the old things of grandparents. “Great War for Civilization” is written on the back. What was this used for?
ANSWER: It was something like a dog tag. If you look at the perimeter, it will tell you about the soldier. A truly valuable and personal item – especially since it may be someone with whom that person was related! NEXT: This was sent from China …
Rose of Jericho
One Reddit user announced: “I received a bag with 6 of these from China. I have no idea why! What are they? “
ANSWER: Rose of the Jericho plant! This is a common Chinese “cold call” business tactic called “brushing tactic”. Basically, they send you something by mail and then come back weeks later asking you to owe them money. If that happens to you, you don’t owe anyone any money! NEXT: The funky blocks look like they’re straight from Indiana Jones.
Someone said: “These lead blocks were found in a river in Great Britain. 125 g each. Can anyone positively identify them? ”
ANSWER: These are lead ingots. These are the numbers of the Devanagari script from India, which are used in some Middle and New Indo-Aryan languages. India has 22 official languages and many of them have their own script.